Welcome to the new eSafety Label portal!


It is with great pleasure that we are launching the newly revamped eSafety Label portal after almost seven years from the launch of the first pilot phase, on Safer Internet Day 2012! In the next weeks and months, we intend to introduce you to all the new functionalities of the portal, so read on to discover what novelties you can expect!

Today marks a new beginning for the highly successful eSafety Label initiative, not only through the refreshed look and feel of the eSafety brand, but also in the accreditation process itself. All these changes were performed taking into account our members’ feedback and we look forward to receiving feedback about the new portal.

old portal homepage

Together with its change of skin, logo and visual identity, we also strived to offer our members better usability, new and better tools for an improved and facilitated communication among Community members and finally more easy to use processes and a clearer, more straightforward Accreditation flow.

Our members will soon be able to enjoy to the full the new functionalities providing thorough capacity building through our revised Factsheets on online safety Infrastructure, Policy and Pactice, a revamped Incident Case and Resource gallery so many reasons to rejoice and become even more involved in the eSafety Label Community.

We therefore invite everyone to make the most of the new portal. Take a tour on the public site, follow us on Facebook, subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest eSafety Label news and of course, Register to get your Label!

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