eSafety Champions

eSafety Label+: Become the next eSafety Champion

eSafety Label+ logoeSafety Label+: Become the next eSafety Champion’ is an Erasmus+ project aiming to mobilise and foster the exchange of knowledge and best practices among a wide community of European teachers and other school actors to better equip schools for a safe and responsible digital future.

Cyberbullying - Educational material 5

Language: English

This educational material is composed of two files to work on the problem of cyberbullying in school:

  • Cyberbully methodology. This file helps teachers or peers to conduct a two-hour lesson about cyberbully with fifth class students of a basic school (age: 11 years). The lesson explains the cyberbullying typology and introduces guidelines to react to cyberbully attacks. The document contains a lot of practical recommendations, links to educational videos and ideas for activities. Despite being aimed at 11 years old students, the lesson plan can be used with other age groups introducing little changes.
  • Stand up against cyberbullying. Stand up against cyberbullying: The poster named "Don't be afraid to stand up against cyberbullying" targets the cyberbullying issue. There are many internet users, especially within youth, who were cyberbullied bud never told it to anyone or addressed the problem with adults. One the basic rule in this issue is to ask an adult (parents, teachers, specialists in school…) for help. There are also the Helplines that can offer advice on this issues. In general: don't be afraid to entrust an adult and ask for help.

    Download the full set of documents (EN)

Language: Czech

This educational material is composed of two files to work on the problem of cyberbullying in school:

  • Podklady pro výuku tématiky kyberšikany nabízí kompletní plán lekce, kterou lze v rozsahu dvou vyučovacích hodin vést s žáky v pátém ročníku. Plán lze použít i pro mladší žáky – v současnosti děti začínají velmi intenzivně vstupovat do prostředí sociálních sítí ve věku 8 až 10 let čili podobné téma lze uplatnit už od třetího ročníku ZŠ, kdy mají dostatek základních zkušeností ze sociálně síťových prostředí.
  • Plán lekcí je doplněn o plakát, vytvořený dětmi ve spolupráci s pedagogem. Vybízí všechny online uživatele k tomu, aby se nestyděli svěřit s případnými projevy kyberšikany, se kterými by se mohli při svém užívání internetu setkat.

    Download the full set of documents (CZ)